Workers' Compensation
Committed to keeping your workforce healthy and on the job
Physical and occupational therapy are a growing expense in the management of workers' compensation claims. In the event that therapy is a solution to returning the injured employee to work, this provides significant value to all parties. However, if therapy fails to produce functional gains and improved employability it can delay other necessary medical or administrative interventions. The result - the added costs fail to provide value to all involved.
Rehab Associates's WorkStrategies® Program partners with employers and payers to provide value through the right treatment, at the right time, every time. To do this, we have developed a system that measures treatment success based on:
- The worker's satisfaction as a customer and their abilities based on self-reported functional outcomes.
- Objective functional testing to work tasks at all time points and in all therapy programs throughout recovery.
- Prospective mentoring on individual complex cases through a published proprietary audit process, the Utilization Management System.
- Customer accountability through stewardship reporting that compares Select Medical performance to published benchmarks.
We consider all stakeholders in the workers' compensation system to be partners in the rehabilitation of injured employees. We highly value communication with and accountability by stakeholders at all levels, from patient to payer, as a key to our success.
If you are looking for a responsible partner with a national presence, Rehab Associates has the capabilities. Our WorkStrategies® specialists are extensively-trained and remain ahead of current trends in the prevention and functional treatment of America's workforce.
We are committed to "Keeping America on the Job!" and look forward to partnering on your employees' health and well-being. For more information, please contact us today at [email protected].